Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What's been going on in my life

Hey readers, 
I haven't updated in a few weeks and I want to take a moment and tell you why. 
I had some blood work done a few months ago and the doctor noticed that my bilirubin was
slightly elevated. I was told to have it tested in a month or two again. It was once again slightly
elevated. I then contacted my GI doctor and told her about my issue. She told me that she talked
with a hematologist that works with the liver and he or she was pretty sure my results would decrease within a month. 

I once again tested it after a month went by and the number increased even more. My bilirubin is still considered only slightly elevated and the increase was only very small but my GI doctor had suggested I go meet with the hematologist. The other readings like my ALT and AST have all been in the normal range and I had two episodes back in 2014 where my bilirubin was in the normal range but since 2015 it has increased. 

These are my readings on my health chart: 

This in turn has got my mind working overtime and I am struggling not to think of the worst case scenario. I had read about Gilbert's Syndrome and thought that might be what I have but my GI doctor doesn't think what I have is classic for that. However, she is only a GI doctor and probably doesn't know to much about liver tests and what not. 
I have made an appointment for April 10th and I am sincerely hoping she figures out what is going on and gives me a peace of mind.  <Praying for that. 

I am praying that this slight increase is only because of Celiacs Disease and nothing more. 
The weel of my last blood draw, I did have what I believe might have been a gluten attack. 
It is still unclear what caused it, but I am hoping this is all just some simple thing that can be fixed. 

I love facebook and I am on it every day, I haven't even told anyone except you guys and my immediate family what is going on right now. I feel more comfortable fighting my battles by myself. 

What ever the case, I have spent most of my days busy trying to keep my mind from wondering. 
I will be adding more reviews within the week or next week sometime. 

I sincerely apologize for the delay & thank you for your understanding during this time. 

Yours truly, 

Gluten Free Momma. 

P.s. if you are reading this and you also have slightly elevated bilirubin without any known cause, please leave a comment below and tell me about it. It is nice to know I am not alone. 

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